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Collectors Reviews

Thank you for your interest in my work and all your kind words. I am grateful that you share your opinion with me :), Marta

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March 22, 2017

I have an insatiable appetite for Marta’s work and have purchased a number of pieces for myself and as gifts for friends and family. Everyone loves Marta’s work. Marta has a huge talent and her vibrant use of colour and subject matter breathe new life into my London home like a ray of sunshine, it feels like summer every day. It makes me so happy. Her attention to detail and use of only the most reliable suppliers mean that packaging and delivery are prompt every time. The certificate of authenticity for original work is utterly professionally supplied and a privilege document to own. Marta Zawadzka is on the radar and an artist to watch for the future, highly collectable.

March 21, 2017

It looks stunning in my living room!

March 21, 2017

I have purchased three paintings from Marta. Her promptness and packaging was outstanding; however I am more than pleased with the works of color. They are art in the very sense of what art should be. They are pleasing to the eye and they are works that I keep staring at. San Francisco Dream is my centerpiece! R.

Robert C
March 21, 2017

Had a great experience. The painting is beautiful and it came very quickly with no problems at all.

March 21, 2017

Beautiful, vibrant paintings….very very happy

March 21, 2017

Marta was efficient and courteous in all communications, and her artwork was above and beyond the image and description online. I would encourage anybody with an interest in Marta’s work to invest, you will not be disappointed x

January 1, 2013

Hej, chodziłam na kurs dla hobbystów do Marty Zawadzkiej przez prawie 6 lat. To bardzo ważny kawałek mojego życia,..Zawsze marzyłam o tym, aby rysować i malować, ale nie wierzyłam, ze dam rade spełnić swoje marzenie. U Marty udało się!!! Nauczyłam się niesamowicie dużo, a przede wszystkim uwielbiałam spędzać tam czas. Marta jest świetną nauczycielką, zawsze indywidualnie podchodzi do każdego, z wielkim wyczuciem i empatią. Niezwykle uczciwa i elastyczna pod każdym względem osoba. Życzę wszystkim, aby uruchomiła ponownie lekcje w starej formie. Sama na pewno będę korzystać ze wszelkich sposobów, aby poprawiać swoje umiejętności pod okiem Marty.

December 28, 2012

Hello to everyone, I was, as my preceding commentators one of Marta’s students. I began my journey with professional painting two years ago and now I’m a happy student of Architecture at University of Science and Technology in Warsaw. I owe Mrs Marta a specific point of view on perspective, paintings, and all art finally. By Marta you don’t have to paint with some scheme, ( what is fostered willingly by other curses), here everybody could find his own way to do art, of course under careful control of Mrs Marta. She always gives precious advises, which helps by better observation of surroundings, She gives her students also a chance to find own skills and develop own style, because there nobody is criticized. I remember, as I asked once how should I paint, which line is properly? She said that it doesn’t matter, because I had to paint as I want- the final effect is the most important. Another reason why I choose that course was the calm atmosphere. I’m rather a shy person, and avoid crowd, but there I’ve never felt uncomfortable. It was a nice place where I could fully focused on art.

I’m thankful to Mrs Marta for her advises, and encourage other who wants to start with art.

Patrycja Janicka